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Property size:
Structure: 7 Bedrooms
Accommodation: Mansion
Furnishing: Not Furnished
For Rent

7 Bedroom Mansion For Rent

Property ID:
Property bedroom icon Bedrooms: 7
Property bathroom icon Bathrooms: 7
Property floor icon Floor: 4
Property total floors icon Total floors: 4
Property year built icon Year Built: 2023
Property heating icon Heating: Water heater
Property accommodation icon Accommodation: Mansion
Property parking icon Parking: Basement parking
Property publication date Publication date: August 29, 2024
Property garages icon Garages: 2
Property additional space icon Additional space: Studio, offices, family area
Leasing Icon Accommodation Luxury
Leasing Icon Additional space Staff quarters, family area, offices
Leasing Icon Bedrooms All-ensuite
Leasing Icon Garage Up to 10 cars
Leasing Icon Heating Water heater
Leasing Icon Parking Basement
Leasing Icon Allowed pets Dogs, cats
Leasing Icon Total floors 4-storey
Costs Icon Deposit Year's rent
Costs Icon Electricity Prepaid
Costs Icon Minimum lease 1 year
Costs Icon Payment period Immediately
Air Conditioning
Security Post
Security service
Staff quarters
Swimming Pool
Washing machine
Water Heater
Water reservoir
Window Coverings
Wireless Internet

Experience the ultimate contemporary living style in this exquisite 7-bedroom luxurious mansion, available for rent, in the plush Airport residential area.

This exquisite minimalist contemporary four-storey mansion accompanies an elevator, swimming pool, all-ensuite spacious bedrooms with walk-in closets, balconies for amazing views, and a fully fitted kitchen.


It also features a spacious living and dining area, two family areas, CCTV and a remote control and security system, an expansive swimming pool and fishpond, a garden, staff quarters, a cinema or studio, and a basement parking for 10 cars.


The property is easily accessible to nearby roads and social amenities.

-7 bedrooms
-All ensuite
-Fully fitted kitchen
-Swimming pool
-Standby generator
-Water reservoir
– Security post
-CCTV and security system


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