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Property size: 27sqm
Structure: Bedrooms
Accommodation: Office Space
Furnishing: Not Furnished
For Rent

27sqm Commercial Space For Rent

Property ID:
Property bathroom icon Bathrooms: 1
Property size icon Property size: 27sqm
Property floor icon Floor: 8th
Property total floors icon Total floors: 8
Property accommodation icon Accommodation: Office Space
Property parking icon Parking: Free Parking
Property publication date Publication date: September 15, 2023
Property area size icon Area size: 27sqmsqm
Property garages icon Garages: 5
Property garages size icon Garages size: sqm
Property additional space icon Additional space: Kitchenette
Leasing Icon Accommodation Office Space
Leasing Icon Additional Space Kitchenette
Leasing Icon Area Size 27sqm
Leasing Icon Bathrooms 1
Leasing Icon Floor 8th
Leasing Icon Garages 5
Leasing Icon Parking Free Parking
Leasing Icon Total Floors 8
Costs Icon Deposit Year's Rent
Costs Icon Electricity Postpaid
Costs Icon Minimum Lease Term One Year
Costs Icon Payment Period Immediately
Air Conditioning
Security Post
Security service
Water reservoir

Located in the business center of Accra, Airport City is a 27 sqm on the 8th-floor space renting/leasing.

This grade-A office complex features all essential amenities with a spectacular view of the business district. It is suitable for all office space types, international mission offices, and business centers among others, and also gives your business an exclusive location address.

The property comes fully equipped with 24-hour security, free parking, a backup generator, and a water reservoir.

The office space can be partitioned to suit your business style. -27 Sqm space -8th floor -Kitchenette -Elevators -24hrs security -Free parking -Standby generator -Water reservoir Contact Gaps Ghana at +233505****** and schedule a viewing now.

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